Thursday, December 22, 2005

Mad Science (ah, well, part III then)

I seem to remember (no access to the previous post from where I am now) that I mentioned something about physics in the original post, but I can't really be sure. Anyway, whilst figuring out some biology stuff, I just had to stuble upon particle physics at some point, inevitable, as the subjects are so very closely related... Anyway, I guess the only field where the following naming is used, should be physics. The following content has been taken from the wikipedia article on flavour (particle physics), for convenuence's sake:

Flavour (or flavor) is a quantum number of elementary particles related to their weak interactions. In the electroweak theory this symmetry is gauged, and flavour changing processes exist. In quantum chromodynamics, on the other hand, flavour is a global symmetry.
The term "flavour" was first coined for use in the quark model of hadrons in 1968. A name for the set of quantum numbers related to isospin, hypercharge and strangeness is said to have been found on the way to lunch by Murray Gell-Mann and Harald Fritzsch when they passed a Baskin-Robbins advertising 31 flavours.

And of course, where the interesting names come in:

Quarks have the following flavour quantum numbers —
  • Isospin which has value Iz=1/2 for the up quark and value Iz=-1/2 for the down quark.
  • Strangeness (S): a quantum number introduced by Murray Gell-Mann. The strange antiquark is defined to have strangeness +1. This is a down-type quark.
  • Charm (C) number which is +1 for the charm quark. This is an up-type quark.
  • Bottom (also called beauty) quantum number, B': which is +1 for the down-type bottom antiquark.
  • Top (sometimes called truth) quantum number, T: +1 for the up-type top quark.
Anyway, back to figuring out my microwave. I get the gist of how it should be used, sometimes the book uses the same language as I sometimes do, in other cases it beats me at screwing up my Dutch:

Doen niet toelaten dat het energie koord contact maken met enig warmte of scherp oppervlakte, zoals het warmte luchtgat gebied bovenaan achter van het oond.


Anna P.H. Geurts said...

Olivier and undersigned have reached the conclusion that Dutch of ninebysix (sometimes) approaches limit of intelligibility more closely than microwave hand suffering.

Anonymous said...

... ever heard over an anti-red quark? They exist... and you've zillions of them in your body :)