Sunday, July 24, 2005


There's enough to do! Apart from working (boooooks) and worrying about working on the room (some work is actually being done), there's not that much time left. I still haven't got round to sorting out those pictures - my time behind the computer has either been spent hiding away from family in Limburg (doing mindless things that no-one could possibly take interest in - headphones and winamp can turn into a life saver, especially when running in the background) or trying to figure out why none of my office 2003 applications were working (turned out that the update for kerio firewall disagrees with office 2003 - so I'm still looking for a new firewall, as I will (unfortunately) need office soon.). In the meantime I have replaced my phone, so that should solve the problem of my phone brutaly hanging up when I try to answer the phone. As I have not changed the number or the company yet, I will still have outages because the network I'm using is absolute cr*p around here.
As this isn't really going anywhere, I'm off. Hopefully a more interesting post soon...

Friday, July 15, 2005

No Real Title... there isn't really going to be a central topic to this post. So I'll just sum everything up:

  1. I'm back from England (well, I was Sunday, but hey...), with an insane amount of photographs of which most are not too interesting. I'll post some in a while to make up for not finding time and addresses to send postcards to. It was nice being there again and seeing people that I haven't seen in a long while.
  2. I've also seen the room I should be moving into. It looks a lot better after they basically rebuilt the entire inside. I also have some pictures, but as goes for the England pictures, I haven't downloaded them from my camera (in Amsterdam as I'm only dropping by briefly here in Woerden today), so you'll have to wait to see them.
  3. Along the same lines I've just completed the registration process for next year's programme and I got an e-mail telling me that the programme will start on September 6th. So now I can claim that I do study something biological (Biomolecular Sciences).
  4. For the Dutch: want to know how 'beschaafd' (civilised) or 'hork' (?) you are? has a test.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Three Days in Canterbury...

...left before I head back to my parent's place. Next Wednesday I het to check my new room, the week after I can move in. Or, more to be more exact, start work on minimally floor and walls, probably the ceiling as well. Work kicks in the Monday before, so another 5 weeks of shifting books (for cash) to be combined with decorating and... shifting books (not for cash, at UC...).
P.S.: No, I was not in London today...