Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bio Exam!

Yes, one week to go and already trying (not succeding) to remember stuff. Though I have to say that Depeche Mode, the remixes 81-04 is working brilliantly (or was, it did increase my attention span). The other conclusion: learning this stuff is bad for your health (or maybe that was because I was already a little under the weather). Also, your language skills don't improve too much. Then again, some of the tact (lack thereof) and skill in writing English letters (ditto) displayed by an (associate) professor at the department is very inspiring. In the sense that it shows you that you can still get far if you don't fully grasp your grammar, keyboard and social skills. In other words: I could lock myself up in the lab for 16 hours a day and devote my life to science and still have the impression that I'm damn important and that I'm the only one who has any sense at all. Though I would need to shrink my own little private world quite a bit more to achieve the latter - shouldn't be too difficult if you don't see real sunshine or non lab-people for a couple of years. Nope, I think I'll skip - My own little universe is already sufficient - it's small enough to overcome agoraphobia and I don't want to take things further.

As there's no point to this post at all, I'll just paste the last list I got over MSN. Antilian proverbs. Have fun, take care, remember that there's a whole world out there.

P.S: Firefox really blocks that pop-up...

1 comment:

Anna P.H. Geurts said...

1. Please don't devote your life to science! (I know you won't)
2. Musico-psychological research has shown that certain music does indeed increase attention and lengthen its span. US armed forces have had to endure measurements taken on the basis of these conclusions for fifty years, waiting for The Ultimate Russian Radar-blib that never came.
3. My pop-up got blocked too, you know.
4. But why do they need to call them ANTILLIAN proverbs?