Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A General Sense of Direction

...or maybe not. I'm still debating whether I should be worried about that exam that's coming up. For some reason my brain keeps on planning around it. Planning: Before: workdiscussion, final lab work for the week. After: (immediately) host borrel, (immediately) department Christmas dinner. Friday: Lab cleaning. Saturday and Sunday: getting health insurance - as my current insurance ends January 1st, my current insurance company will close it's doors and the company they're transfering their members to isn't going to make me an offer. That makes me one of the 'lucky' few in this country who now has two weeks to figure out what all this mess is about. Everybody gets an offer from their current insurer... yeah right.
There's a blog that I read sometimes lately. It's very calming and is entitled 'Dagboek van een gek' (guess what, it's in Dutch). Basically that's all it is, or, as he describes in the about section: "Dit zijn de belevenissen van Hans, geboren in 1942. Eerst even voorstellen ik ben Hans en woon al jaren in een psychiatrische woonvorm. Verder ben ik invalide en beweeg ik mij voort in een rolstoel."
By the way: Always wanted your own fake office, but too lazy to photshop the sign on an existing office? This site does it for you: Atomsmasher's Office Sign Generator. [Advert] This came with an advert for T-Shirt Hell: also nice to look around for evil t-shirts. Current tagline: "All orders placed this week will arive after December 25th. But a late present from us, still beats a crappy present on time". [/Advert] Sorry, don't know what came over me there. Atomsmasher also has generators for other signs and error messages ('windows has detected that you have moved your mouse. Please reboot now.'), scroll down on the office generator page for the links.
And for more joy: what used to be the best image archive for 19th century (and also a little late - mainly symbolist and pre-Raphaelite artists) until it closed, is slowly re-opening it's doors. I should add the site, ArtMagick to the links section soon...

And direction in general (magnetic) North is wherever it chooses to be today, or so it seems: BBC news.


Sabrine said...

What's the link to the Dagboek van een Gek weblog? Can't find it with Google :-S

JHMS said...

It's fixed in the text, and just to be sure, here's the link again.