Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day Did You Know That...

...Valentine was a christian martyr in the third century A.D. and therefore died a painful death (it's kind of inherent in the whole martyr thing), a fact that we remember by saying we love each other? Now there are actually two Valentines important in this regard (out of at least 5): Valentine of Rome, and Valentine of Terni (who may actually be one and the same guy). Now the latter was loved by his people, yet nevertheless imprisoned, tortured and beheaded (though in secret, to avoid the wrath of the people) by prefect Placid Furius during the persecution of Aurelius. The former gave aid to martyrs in prison and got locked up for that (so while he was there anyway he converted the jailer by restoring his daughter's sight). Beaten and beheaded 296 A.D. As said, it could well be that this one person rather than two.
Valentine's day therfore isn't directly related to the Saint. Incidently it happens to be on the same day as the Romans started their Lupercalia celebrations - a fertility festival! The 14th of January is also traditionally seen as the day that birds find a mate... From these facts it is more likely that the tradition arose, bound by priests to the name of the saint who's saint day it was to at least have some hold on the situation.
Catholic Practice? No. Tradition founded on some logical connection? Yes. Catholised by the roman catholic church? Yes. Commericialised by the church of consumerism? Unfortunately so. Nevertheless still a good cause if believed in and used correctly.


Hedwig said...

I feel enlightened.

Anonymous said...

the 14th of January? Wasn't that February?

/ smart-arse