Thursday, March 24, 2005

What can I say?

Dutch politics: Minister de Graaf has resigned from his post ('bestuurlijke vernieuwing') yesterday evening as the result of the failure of the plans for elected mayors. This has opened up the way for renewed negotiations regarding the agreements between the coalition parties. Other D66 (de Graaf's party) cabinet members have the opinion that there should be a substantially good outcome for the party if they are to stay on. Around the time of posting (late afternoon) the negotiations have begun. So in short: here we go, again.
As a final note: de Graaf's reasons for quiting are entirely honourable (at least in the way that he phrases them). For the dutch-reading amoung us: NOS-Nieuws.

Meanwhile in other news: The US Supreme Court has just refused an appeal by the parents of brain-damaged woman Terri Schiavo to order her feeding tube reinserted. Without wanting to tread on anybody's toes - finally a decision that seems sensible.

Moving deeper into science news:
Why some see colours in numbers
US scientists say they can explain why some people 'see' colours when they look at numbers and letters.

And yes, it is quiz-time again. For those of you wanting to know where they'll end up in hell - there is a test over here.
You can also get tested on which personality disorders you could have. They also link through to a site called The tests there are about as accurate as a blind-folded drunken monkey with an orange hat can be at hitting a small target at a distance of several kilometers with a hand held catapult. Whilst riding a unicycle. In my humble opinion, that is. But, they're 'PhD certified' so I guess I'm a very spontaneous, extraverted person with a large repetoire of facts... Even though most people would have a somewhat different (read: opposite) opinion. In other words: not worth the effort (if you do, make sure you have a spam address ready - you need to register to view the results, and need to ignore the 'click here to order your 15 page report' messages).

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