Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sorry for not updating

but my stress levels went through the roof and are still rising.

I'm not going to bitch, hence the positive points are:
  • Anna is returning. Soon.
  • I've started a new sub-project at the lab, involving cell culture.
  • I've found a trick to solve the problem that the access-point loses touch with the cable modem upon a (frequent) provider glitch. Old solution: 'simulating a power failure', as the AP is in a locked room I have to black-out half the house (but the not the half I live in, teehee). New solution: going to the AP management page (still reachable), not changing anything and then hitting the 'save changes' button on the correct page. AP reinitialises WAN connection. Brilliant.
  • The old computer is succesfully using the TV as monitor. Now to turn it into a videorecorder on a €0 budget (do have an external TV capture card though).
I'll get back to you sometime with somewhat more interesting content (providing I find it).

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