Sunday, January 22, 2006

And that is exactly why...

...I keep my family on a need to know basis. Give them a little information, and they presume their own version of the rest*. The most recent illustration of how much trouble this saves me was this weekend. It's very interesting to know that I'm very smart (according to my grandmother) for not doing such a stupid thing has having a girlfriend, as not only am I a bit young for that, it would be too daft to even think of, seeing as I'm a student and it'll be impossible to balance studying with anything, let alone having a girlfriend. The fact that if I want to get married at a younger age than my parents I need to get a move on is ignored, and the fact that my grandmother doesn't have the foggiest clue about studying also isn't a barrier.

* Examples include: 'I'm going on a trip to Italy with someone from the College'. Assumptions made: 'someone' is male. We will have single rooms. The trip is very soundly planned and there is someone to look after us. Reality: He is a she, we've not planned the whole thing, and we'll just see if we can find a 6 person mixed dorm to share with total strangers in some hostel somewhere.

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