Friday, August 26, 2005

Progress (though hidden)

One thing that did happen: I moved to Utrecht. My room is still one big mess, and I'm in Woerden now, but things are getting there. Main motivation to go to Woerden: to sort out the things that are going wrong. The shortlist:

  • There's a very interesting lab with a very interesting research question that could use a masters student. Unfortunately though, they're just setting up and need someone with hands-on experience. Though I can still choose to accept (after which some more talks will be held with my summercourse supervisor), I think I may have to accept that this is perhaps not the best place to go.
  • Internet still isn't working - which means that I can't solve issues as easily - hence I'm back in Woerden doing some reading into other internship possibilities etc. etc.
  • I also can't get the the sound signal to work for cable TV - even though it worked fine at UC (this is, however, a minor annoyance). So basically my only news source is currently the radio, which does work.
  • Major annoyance: the bills we've been forwarding to the people that take care of them haven't been paid apparently, as we've had a note that the electricity company came by to collect. This is linked to another minor annoyance: the doorbel doesn't always work.

So in short - No internship (yet), No internet, no TV and soon possibly no electricity. Good start. Reminds my parents of when we moved to England.

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