Saturday, April 23, 2005

Nearly there...

After having spent a day in the sun and not worrying too much about things (for a change), things fall into a limited perspective. Limited, but in perspective nonetheless. It's not that long to go until the end of the semester (see above), which I have set to May 13th, at 18:00, so that everyone will be done (and not just me).
Of course a day in the sun is done in complete Nerd style; starting with the organisation of it all through a four-way MSN conversation. After the field outside was transformed with three large blankets and a chinese rug, beanbags and pillow were added, followed by a couch and later a series of power outlets and a network hub, as work really needed to be done. Needless to say there were, unfortunately, also piles of books and notes around. Speakers eventually were added so that there was some light music. Graduation day is being planned with this set-up partially in mind. All we need is the weather.

ADD-ON: Dutch and looking for the 'stemwijzer' for the vote on the EU constitution? It's called referendumwijzer.

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