Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Never-Ending Book Sale Story Part II

It ended up being a waiting game. Some quick communication between the suppliers and the council in the morning and a quiet early afternoon. Unfortunately I already knew that we would be getting a third of the books at most on this round. Next Tuesday the next lot will come in. It did mean that we could actually build a storage from the books. It's amazing how many books fit into the small lounge, when you stack tables against the walls and use them as shelves.
In the meantime the USE students were literally breaking down the door of the DH, feeling justified to do so because the XS-card that they got from who-knows-where refused to let them in (as it should!). A quick shout that there was no food, and there wouldn't be any for two weeks as far as they were concerned, moved issues along a little.

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